Friday, May 6, 2011

losing balance

In yoga we talk a lot about how each day is different and each side of your body is different. Just because you can hold a pose or deepen a pose on one side does not mean it will be the same on the other side, or that you won’t fall tomorrow. Today was a very different day for me. Today was rough. We did a lot of balancing poses and I couldn’t hold them for a second. My feet cramped immediately and I could not hold my gaze in one spot. It felt pathetic and frustrating knowing that I was physically able to do these things. I have done them for weeks, and felt like I should only be getting stronger and this just felt like a huge step back. As I felt more unbalanced, I felt more frustrated. I lost control over my breath and lost focus in what I was doing which just made me more unbalanced and more frustrated. You get the point.

Every once and a while we lose balance. It can happen when we least expect it. Each day is going to be very different from the one before. All you can do is breathe deep, focus your mind and look for that place of balance again.

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