Sunday, June 12, 2011

on getting fat

There is no way I’m returning to the states the same size as when I came here.  Now you may have been reading in the last few posts I’ve been doing a lot of running and swimming so you may be thinking I’ll be lookin good.  So not the case here. There is another problem.  The food! This stuff is going to get me into some serious trouble.  Breakfast is fine, there is delicious fresh fruit all around and yummy tea. But the rest of the day. Oh boy. First of all there is just no chance of being vegetarian here.  Maybe if you had more control over making your own food and doing your own grocery shopping, but when going out to eat and eating the meals they make us at the house, there is just no way.  Which is fine.  I’m mostly veggie at home mostly for environmental reasons and I’m fairly certain the meat we’re eating is not coming from a factory farm and hasn’t been pumped full of all the horrible stuff I’d like to avoid.  So I’m fine with eating like a T-rex for the summer.  But then you throw in all the other stuff and that is where the waistline starts expanding.  There is always something fried.  Always. Samosas, chapatis, chips, crisps, fried bread, fried veggies, fried, fired, fried.  And it just tastes so damn good that you can’t just have one. You need three samosas.  Then there is always some huge mass of some starch or carb or what-have-you. White rice. Lots of white rice. Bread (which is of course a separate part of the meal from the fried bread should that be there too) Potatoes (even though there may be fried potatoes in front of you as well.  And there are almost no veggies. Unless they have been fried into a samosa or are in some creamy, buttery, coconutty, curryish sauce.  Again, delicious. Again, terrible for me. All the running and swimming cannot possibly keep up with the fried goodness and the white rice that is present at Every. Single. Friggin. Meal. All of us girls are in the same boat and are all insisting that we not gain weight but somehow I just feel like our fate is sealed. I’ll be getting fat in Africa.

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